Frustration with Partners
Frustration with Partners
10 Item Attachment Scales
These scales were originally presented by Brennan‚ Shaver & Hazan (1989) but not published in print until included in a later article (Brennan & Shaver‚ 1995). The authors created these scales by conducting a large scale‚ oblique factor analysis of 143 individual items‚ that resulted in 34 factors with eigenvalues greater than one. Seven of the factors were selected as having sufficient items to each form a 10-item sub-scale with adequate internal reliability. The seven factors were titled:
All items were measured on 7-point Likert-type scales ranging from "disagree strongly" to "agree strongly". The following two of the seven sub-scales are extracted from Brennan & Shaver (1995).
Frustration with Partners
Notes: (R) indicates reverse scored item.
During their study‚ Brennan & Shaver (1995) compared scores from this scale with attachment style measured using the Adult Attachment Questionnaire. They found the following relationships:
Discriminant function analysis using all seven scales was used to categorise participants and this was compared with their self-report classification using the Hazan and Shaver measure. The two resulting discriminant functions correctly predicted the attachment style of 72.3% of participans. These functions separated out the secure from the avoidant participants and then separated out the anxious/ambivalent participants.
Factor analysis was conducted on the seven sub-scales using principal axis extraction. Two factors emerged which accounted for 71.3% of the variance and correlated at only r = 0.05. Based on the contributing items‚ these factors were labelled 'insecurity‚' which distinguished avoidant from secure participants‚ and 'preoccupation with attachment‚' which distinguished anxious/ambivalent from secure participants.