From: PSYCHOBOX‚ A BOX PSVHOLOGICAL GAMES. Edited by: Mel GOODING. Shambala Publication . 2004
The smaller coloured blocks were used in a non-linguistic intelligence test devised in the 1920s. The larger white blocks were devised for the Visualisation of Cubes Test by psychologist Colin Elliot in the 1980s. as part of a battery of tests to measure cognitive function in children.
The coloured blocks are similar to those used in the WAIS test (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale) to test spatial aspects of intelligence. The test is carried out as follows: the blocks are either placed in a certain wayan a table or are cast randomly on to it. The subject is then shown a pattern which can be made by arranging together the appropriate faces of the relevant cubes. The initial patterns are easy and need few blocks. but they become progressively more complex‚ requiring more blocks. Success depends on seeing that the design on the face of a cube is part of the target pattern‚ and then seeing how it fits with others. This may seem relatively simple‚ but actual performance may be impaired in several ways susceptible to diagnostic analysis. Some people have difficulty in seeing a part in the whole.
Cards 10-15: Dr.Miller's pattern block cards
The beautiful images on the following six cards are target patterns used by a distinguished London psychiatrist in tests similar to those desribed on this card (c.1940s-50s)
Photograph‚ Science Museum/Science and Society Picture Library